Escient Financial

Blog tagged as Medicare

6 Common Pre-Retirement Mistakes that Cost Dearly
Even with a good income, there are some big mistakes that can foul up your retirement, and the effects may not be realized until it’s too late.
4 Common Money Mistakes for Pre-Retirees
Here are four common mistakes soon-to-be retirees make regarding their money, so you can prepare now to make your transition into retirement a bit smoother.
Are You Really Ready to Retire?
There's plenty to consider when determining if you're financially prepared to leave the working world. Consider each of these 5 factors carefully before taking this next step in life.
Retirement Strategy: Money & Longevity
One of the biggest fears retirees have is running out of money during retirement. Longevity is a major factor in your retirement strategy.
Factors That Could Affect Your Retirement Strategy
How much should you save for retirement? The answer varies from individual to individual.
What the Inflation Reduction Act Means For You
Now signed into law, here are the top three way you can benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act.
Dealing with Unexpected Expenses in Retirement
You might be able to plan for many of your retirement expenses, but there are likely going to be unexpected things that come up.
Maximize Your Medicare Benefits
Medicare is a great benefit for retirees. Learn how to make the most out of your Medicare deduction with these tips.
Top Healthcare Costs in Retirement
When planning your retirement income, you should include healthcare costs. Here are some of the top healthcare costs in retirement to consider.
Medicare Open Enrollment Begins Oct. 15th. What Does That Mean For You?
Do you really need to put 20% down to buy a house? We've got the answer to this common question plus everything you need to know about mortgages as you begin your house hunt.
