Escient Financial

Blog tagged as Centralized Exchange

What is Crypto Staking?
Crypto staking has been in the news lately. What is crypto staking and is it something you should do with your crypto portfolio?
Cryptocurrency Pitfalls
Crypto has made a big impact on investing, but it’s important to consider some of its pitfalls before jumping in.
The FTX Collapse, Crypto Market Crash, and How to Better Protect Your Investment
This has been a crazy week for crypto. Here's a summary of the events and some important information on protecting your investments.
Cryptocurrency Wallets
You've decided to purchase crypto. Where do you keep it? How do you choose a wallet?
Cryptocurrency Stablecoins as an Alternative to Low Interest Fixed Income Investments
Inflation is high. Cash and fixed income don't earn much in terms of interest. Stablecoins may be a solution for some investors to protect their principle but earn a yield that's equal to or greater than inflation.
How and Where to Make Your First Purchase of Cryptocurrency
Wondering how to get started with purchasing crypto? Here's an overview of how to make your first purchase of cryptocurrency.
