Escient Financial

Blog categorized as Economy

Is the US Economy Headed for Stagflation?
Should you be concerned about stagflation? What should you do if the economy goes into a period of stagflation?
5 Entertaining Movies that Can Teach You a Thing or Two About Money
Ready to take a break and settle in with some movies? Here are 5 movies that not only entertain you but teach you a couple money lessons at the same time.
How the U.S. Debt Ceiling May Affect You
As a possible debt ceiling crisis looms, you may be wondering what's happening and what you should do, if anything.
April is National Financial Literacy Month: Do You Have These 5 Financial Basics Down?
For National Financial Literacy Month, test your own financial knowledge by reviewing these 5 must-know money basics.
Bank Failures and Fractional Reserve Banking
With the recent bank failures, it's important to understand fractional reserve banking and how you can protect yourself against a bank failure.
Why is the Fed Interest Rate So Important?
The Fed's campaign of raising interest rates can have a wide impact on the economy. In fact, it's designed to.
Bear Markets and the Threat of Recession
Does the current bear market mean we're headed for a recession? And what are bear markets and recessions, anyway?
What the Inflation Reduction Act Means For You
Now signed into law, here are the top three way you can benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act.
Interest Rates Went Up, But Markets Rallied Anyway. Is the Bear Market Over?
Interest rates are up, GDP is down, and the economy might be in a recession. Still, stocks and crypto rallied. Does that mean the bear market is over?
How Rising Interest Rates Could Affect You
The Fed is poised to make multiple interest rate increases the year. Find out how they can affect you.
