Escient Financial

Blog tagged as Market Returns

How Including Risk-Adjusted Return Can Improve Your Portfolio
Risk-adjusted return stands as a beacon guiding investors toward smarter, more efficient portfolio management. But what does it mean and why should it matter to you?
Three Upside-Down Investment Insights
Often, all you need to be an excellent investor is a healthy dose of common sense: A penny saved is a penny earned. …
The Vital Role of Rebalancing
If there is a universal investment ideal, it is this: Every investor wants to buy low and sell high. What if we …
The Essence of Evidence-Based Investing
As with any risky venture, there are no guarantees that you’ll earn the returns you’re aiming for, or even recover your stake. This leads us to why we so strongly favor evidence-based investing. So what does evidence-based investing entail?
Lump-Sum Investing vs. Dollar-Cost Averaging - Part 2: Actual Outcomes
In part one, we discussed why lump-sum investing is generally expected to generate the highest returns over time. In markets that have risen more, and ...
