Escient Financial

Blog tagged as Tax Efficient

Tax Planning in Turbulent Times
Whether you’re saving, investing, spending, bequeathing, or receiving wealth, there’s scarcely a move you can make without considering how taxes might influence the outcome. But how do we plan when we cannot know?
A Guide to Trusts for Estate Planning
If you’re a part of the majority of Americans who have put off facing the future of their finances after death, it might be time to start weighing your options.
Possible Tax Changes That May Come With The Biden Presidency
A major part of President-elect Biden’s proposed changes to taxation is his pledge to not increase taxes on those making less than $400,000...
Prioritizing Savings and Investments When You Have Excess Income
If you are in a situation where you spend less money than you bring in every month, you may be wondering what is the best thing to do with the excess cash. With numerous account types and even more investment options, how do you find the most optimal way to invest and save?
