Escient Financial

Blog tagged as Economy

Is the US Economy Headed for Stagflation?
Should you be concerned about stagflation? What should you do if the economy goes into a period of stagflation?
The Potential Impact of a U.S. Debt Default on Money Market Funds
Money market funds are a popular investment right now. With a potential U.S. debt default looming, is there anything to be concerned about?
How the U.S. Debt Ceiling May Affect You
As a possible debt ceiling crisis looms, you may be wondering what's happening and what you should do, if anything.
Why is the Fed Interest Rate So Important?
The Fed's campaign of raising interest rates can have a wide impact on the economy. In fact, it's designed to.
Interest Rates Went Up, But Markets Rallied Anyway. Is the Bear Market Over?
Interest rates are up, GDP is down, and the economy might be in a recession. Still, stocks and crypto rallied. Does that mean the bear market is over?
The Stock Market and the Economy Are Not the Same: A Guide to Understanding the Difference
Stocks have been up — but unemployment has also risen. Why is that? Here, we break down the major differences between the stock market and the economy.
Understanding (and Avoiding) the "Money Illusion"
The “money illusion” refers to how we view our buying power today versus in the future. Are you falling victim to this potentially dangerous ideology?
Quarterly Thoughts: Q3 2021
It’s typical to think of capital markets as nothing more than constructions for conducting commerce and making money. That they tend to do over time.
Did You Know Sept. 8 Is International Literacy Day? Here's How Literacy Impacts the Economy
There is a strong connection between the economy and literacy. This article examines how the two are connected, as well as some ways to improve them both.
Understanding Inflation in 2021: What Investors Need to Know
Did you know people are Googling the word "Inflation" at a record-breaking rate? If the economic uncertainty of the past year has you scratching your head as well, here's what you need to know about inflation and your investments.
