Blog tagged as Fiat Currency

The Many Misconceptions About Bitcoin

06/27/2024 11:12 AM By Mike Halper, CFP®, MPAS®, SE-AWMA®, CDAA, CBDA - Comment(s)
The Many Misconceptions About Bitcoin
There are some common misconceptions and inaccuracies about Bitcoin. With a balanced and factual approach it's possible to get a clearer understanding of Bitcoin's potential as a legitimate investment asset.

The Bitcoin Halving is Coming

11/21/2023 06:55 AM By Mike Halper, CFP®, MPAS®, SE-AWMA®, CDAA, CBDA - Comment(s)
The Bitcoin Halving is Coming
The Bitcoin Halving is only months away now. Here's an explanation of what it is, why it happens, and the benefits it brings.
