Escient Financial

Blog tagged as Financial Planning

Social Security Planning is Becoming More Important Than Ever
With Social Security facing projected depletion of its trust fund by 2033, individuals approaching retirement age confront challenging decisions about when to claim benefits, while younger workers grapple with doubts about the program's future reliability.
Financial Tips for Remodeling Your Home
Ensure you're taking on remodeling projects that will add value to your home by taking into account these important considerations.
Is the US Economy Headed for Stagflation?
Should you be concerned about stagflation? What should you do if the economy goes into a period of stagflation?
How Highly Successful People Set And Achieve Goals
You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals by simply writing them down. Learn this and more tips to achieving even your hardest goals.
How to Secure Your Retirement
Everyone wants to be comfortable and financially stable as they age. Here are some tips to help you secure your retirement.
Should Your Financial Planner be Local? Deciding Between Virtual & In-Person Financial Advice.
You may think you need to choose a financial advisor in your local area, but there are a lot of reasons not to limit your choices. Here are some factors to consider first when weighing your options.
When and How to Update Your Retirement Plan
Setting up a retirement strategy is one thing, but when and how do you adjust it?
10 Rules to Live by to Achieve Financial Independence
If you want to achieve financial independence here are 10 rules you can follow to help you get there.
6 Common Pre-Retirement Mistakes that Cost Dearly
Even with a good income, there are some big mistakes that can foul up your retirement, and the effects may not be realized until it’s too late.
2024 Retirement Plan Contribution Limits
Here are the new contribution limits for 401(k), 403(b), and most 457 retirement plans, as well as IRAs, for 2024.
