Escient Financial

Blog tagged as 403(b)

Do You Know Who You're Leaving Your Money To?
Sending your kid off to college comes with a hefty pricetag. As you begin the college planning process, keep these 5 common mistakes in mind.
As of Now, Social Security Benefits Will Be Cut By 2034. Here Are 5 Ways to Help Fill the Gap
If a reduction in Social Security benefits has you worried, strategizing multiple sources of income and planning ahead is key. Here are 5 ways to help fill the gap.
Tax Planning in Turbulent Times Part 1: The Tools of the Tax-Planning Trade
The particulars may evolve, but it seems there are always an array of tax breaks to encourage us to save toward our major life goals—such as retirement, healthcare, education, emergency spending, charitable giving, and wealth transfer.
How to Conduct a Financial Checkup Before End-of-Year
Here are six things you can do right away to make sure your goals are being met and your finances are in good shape as we continue through second half of 2021.
Prioritizing Savings and Investments When You Have Excess Income
If you are in a situation where you spend less money than you bring in every month, you may be wondering what is the best thing to do with the excess cash. With numerous account types and even more investment options, how do you find the most optimal way to invest and save?
What Issues Should I Consider During a Recession or Market Downturn?
The coronavirus pandemic began as a public health concern, but it didn’t take much time before the spreading outbreak began to raise troubling economic questions and talk of a looming recession.
