Escient Financial

Blog categorized as Retirement

9 Ways to Save for Your Retirement Outside of a 401(k)
No company retirement plan? No problem. Here are 9 alternative ways you can still save for your post-work years.
2023 Retirement Plan Contribution Limits
Here are the new contribution limits for 401(k), 403(b), and most 457 retirement plans, as well as IRAs, for 2023.
Preparing to Retire Early
Early retirement may be possible, but you need answers to a number of important questions to develop a retirement strategy.
Factors That Could Affect Your Retirement Strategy
How much should you save for retirement? The answer varies from individual to individual.
Retirement Strategy: How Retirement Strategy Has Changed
How has your retirement strategy changed over time? This article explains several types of retirement strategies, and explains several of the factors to consider as you plan for your golden years.
How Your Money Mentality Should Change in Retirement
Reaching retirement can feel like crossing the finish line at the end of a 30-, 40- or even 50-year-long marathon.
403(b) vs. 457: Maximizing Your Retirement Savings
Depending on who your employer is, you may not have access to common retirement plans like 401(k)s. Here's a breakdown of 403(b) and 457 plan options to help you strategize for retirement.
5 Compelling Reasons to Consider Working in Retirement
Retirement is about enjoying your financial independence, but it doesn't mean you have to stop working. In fact, there are a few reasons why you may want to consider it.
Could Inflation Affect Your Retirement Plans?
Inflation can have a detrimental effect on retirement savings. However, there are several approaches you can take to protect your retirement from inflation. Here's how.
