Escient Financial

Investments Keeping You Up at Night? Managing Stress During Market Volatility

Mike Halper, CFP®, MPAS®, SE-AWMA®, CDAA, CBDA
01/14/2022 10:33 AM Comment(s)

For millions, the pandemic has served as a source of financial distress and worry. This rings true, in particular, for investors of all kinds. Market volatility has been high. Inflation is up. Interest rates are expected to rise, adding to the cost of debt. Living through COVID-19 is stressful enough. Feeling hopeless about an unpredictable stock market certainly isn’t any help. If you’re one of many worrying about their investments, these are some dependable ways to reduce stress and make a plan moving forward.

Prioritizing Your Mental Health

Psychological professionals have long acknowledged the detrimental effects of stress. It impacts sleep, cognition, and overall physical health.2 In times of financial as well as social uncertainty, it’s important to first regulate your mental well-being; high stress levels actually change human perception, increasing the likelihood of impulsive decision-making.3 Due to this, it’s wise to consider certain stress-managing lifestyle changes before making any big investment-related decisions.

Reducing Stress Without Changing Your Finances 

Stress makes us feel as if we’re losing control. This is why it’s vital to take control of your lifestyle, independent of finances, wherever you can. The following suggestions have been proven to have positive effects:4

      • Focus on wellness. They’re timeworn suggestions, but they work: exercise regularly, get enough sleep, eat well, and practice mindfulness. Allocate time to engage in recreational activities that make you happy, or explore a new hobby. 
      • Don’t use unhealthy coping mechanisms. These can be harder to recognize than one might expect. Don’t smoke or drink in excess to cope with stress, but also be wary of overworking yourself or unnecessary risk-taking.
      • Stay socially connected. Social support increases resilience to stress.5 Experiencing the combined effects of financial stress and social distancing measures from coronavirus makes people susceptible to feelings of isolation. Lean into your support system and connect with others to avoid feeling consumed by anxious thoughts.

Approaching the Volatile Market 

While all of the aforementioned actions can help you handle stress, it’s impossible to truly do so without addressing the stressor: the worry you have about your investments.

The first step is to accept what’s happening economically. The optimistic bull run of the past 12 years took a swift downturn last year, then a swift bounce back and another bull rim. You may be wondering and worried when the next downturn will be, especially with the increased volatility so far this year. That doesn’t mean investors have to live in a constant state of stock-induced anxiety, although it can be difficult not to. In your approach to the stock market, keep these guidelines in mind.

Take a Break 

Over-checking your portfolio is ill-advised in general and even more so during market downturns. For most, investing is a long-term proposition. Constantly checking your investments is not only unnecessary, but often a source of aggravated stress – the same goes for over-consuming news about the stock market. This can increase the chance of making hasty, emotionally-driven decisions. It may be in your best interest to momentarily step away from your investments in order to gain perspective.

Assess Your Investing Goals

While you should avoid over-checking it, seasons of volatility are a great time to reassess your portfolio and remind yourself of your long-term goals. Why is your portfolio made up of these specific investments? Why are you investing in the first place?

Despite a dynamic stock market, it’s probable that investors’ long-term goals remain unchanged. Keeping yourself conscious of these long-term returns is crucial; remember that your investment plans will outlast a period of market volatility.

Making Investment Decisions 

If you have an advisor, talk to them about your concerns. If you don’t have an advisor and think it’s time to work with one, now’s an opportune time. No matter your circumstances, the fundamental piece of advice is to avoid making an uninformed decision. Patiently observing your losses isn’t easy - but note that as bear markets average losses of 33 percent, bull markets are much longer in duration and come with average gains of 159 percent.7

Remember that, historically, the stock market has recovered.8 Bear markets are a normal part of investing. It’s hard to see an upside as anxiety spreads amongst investors. It’s understandably stressful when you feel the security of your investments is threatened – but don’t allow a volatile market to cause you too much distress. Long-term returns will outweigh the short-term losses. Until then, focus on your mental well-being and solidify your financial plans.

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This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as investment, tax, or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. Digital assets and cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and could present an increased risk to an investors portfolio. The future of digital assets and cryptocurrencies is uncertain and highly speculative and should be considered only by investors willing and able to take on the risk and potentially endure substantial loss. Nothing in this content is to be considered advice to purchase or invest in digital assets or cryptocurrencies.

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